Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Communication 沟通

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.

Mmm...tHis pHrAsE sEems sO nEaR tO LIFE...liStEn lisTen liStEn..pArt & pArcEl oF liFe...ComMunIcAtIon pLayS a bIg pArT iN rElatIoNsHip..aLL tYpEs oF rElatIonShiPs..Lack oF cOmMuniCatIon lEaDs tO sO mUcH tHiNgS..mIsuNdErsTaNdiNg, qUaRrEls, or eVen tIrEdnEsS..e fEeLiNg oF 无奈..sOmEtiMes e loNg wAit sEeMs wOrTh iT, bUt e sHoRT tiMe kiLLs iT..kiLLs e fEeLiNg oF wAiTiNg..hAiX...ehh, diLemMa~~

e mOsT cOmMon eNcouNteR iS siLenCe n sILenCe...mAy sEeMs liStEniNg hArd bUt yEt sEeMs jUx nOt aPpEaLiNg..e poWer of siLenCe hAv iT's oWn 杀伤力...haha...

aLrIte.. simpLy tOo tIrEd...sLpiNg liKe 2aM dEn wAke uP 6.30Am..haHa..abIt oF 自作孽 hOr..hAha..sHaNt cOmMenT mUcH..lEt e quOtEs dO e tAlkiNg..i gOnNa faLL aSlp nOw le...

sImUlatInG mY mInD tO wAkE uP nOw...sToP sLpIng...wAke up.....!!!!!!!!!

lOoKoUt fOr mY pOsTs wOrX...!!!

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after
Argument is the worst sort of conversation.
Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.

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