Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HaPpY CNY!! NoRtH ViStA..

EaRly MoRnInG dRaGGiNg mY fEeTs, bAcK tO wOrK..
Thx tHoSe wHo eNcOuRaGe mE, bUt im fInE le..u nOe dE lah, mAnY tOtx n aNgEr sO mUx pOst oUt tO vEnT oUt..1 thiNg i liKe mySeLf abOuT tO aN eXtEnt, fOrgEtFuLnEsS..sO hAha, fEeLiNg hAd cAlm dOwN le..

[[__23rd JaN__]]
I lOvE mY sEcOnDaRy sChOoL sEriOuSLy, eSp oUr tEaChErS..tOgEtHeR wItH xIn hUi, pEixiU, yVoNnE, wE wEnT bAcK NoRtH vIsTa fOr CNY cElebrAtIoN oN 23Th Jan..nAnCy cOuLdnT mAKe iT dUe tO leSsONs..tHe CNY haLL cElebRatIoN jUx dOn iNtErEsT uS, pRoGrAm wAs kiNdA bOrInG & dEad, sO wE wEnT tO hUnT fOr fOoD..cAnTeEn iS juX liKe bEfOre, nT tAt yUmMy yuMmy..wE sPeNt aLoT oF tImE tAlkIng tO tEaChErs..Mr MaRvIn cHaN, MrS cHiA, mR lEe, Mr Ng, MrS cHoNg, & mAny mOrE..

nOrtH vIsTa iS cOnsTrUcTinG a cOmpEtItivE iNdOoR sPoRtS cOmpLex..wE aRe e 1St nEiGhbOuRhOoD sChOoLs tAt sTaRteD oN tIs uNdEr MOE..aLL sCh wiLL hAv iNdOoR sPoRts cOmpLeX, bUt oUrs iS cOmpEtiTivE dE..1 oF e fEw cOmpEtItiVe cOmpLeX tO b bUiLt aS wEll..hAha..

aS fOr e tEaChErS, mR Aw hAd rEtIrEd..hE wAs mY fOrM tEaChEr fOr lAst 2 yEaRs..oUr cLaSs liKe tO tEaSe hIm, & hIs tEmpEr wAs sO nIce..wE wErE sTiLL hOpIng tO c hIm tIs yEaR, bUt aIyA!nVm, wE dO gEt tO sEe oThEr tEaChErs..

wEnT tO lOoK fOr mR LeE, Mr Ng, Mr cHaN..mR Ng sTiLL rMb uS & nEvEr fAiLs tO tALk bOuT sTuFF dOnE dUrInG thOsE dAyS..mR LeE iS sTiLL e sAmE, liKeS tO jOkE & lAuGh aRd..mR cHaN bEcAmE vIcE-PriNciPaL..hE sHoWeD uS hIs bOy fOtOs tOo..hAha..MrS ChIa iS eXpEcTiNg & eXpEcTeD dUe dAtE iS aRoUnd mAy..wE wErE tALkiNg bOuT hEr mAtErnItY lEaVe nOt wOrTh iT aS jUnE iS sChOoL hOliDaY lAh, hEr bAby gIrL nAmE, iNvItInG uS to hEr hSe & oUr pReSenT sItUatIoN..haHa..rEaLLy iS wOnDErfuL tO rEmiNisCe tHoSe dAyS..mOsT oF e tEaChErS iS tEaChiNg aT NVSS fOR 9 yEaRs le.. =D

NVSS bAsIcALLy nO mUcH cHaNge, eSp oUr fEeliNg tOwArDs e sCh, iS fOrEvEr pAsSiOnAtE..wAd cHaNgEs mOsT iS tHe exTerNaL bUiLdiNg hAviNg rEpAiNt, bAtCh oF sTudEnT gEttInG mOre rEbElliOuS & tEaChErS iS eVer-cHaNgiNg..

i loVe bEiNg pArT oF NoRtH vIsTa..!! vIsTarIaNs 万岁!!

iT wAs 2.30pm wHeN wE lEft e nOrTh vIsTa..wE wAlkEd aLoNg thE pAtHwAy tAt wE aLwaYs tOoK tO gO cOmpAsS poiNt aFtEr sCh..wE kEpT sAyInG iT wAs liKe aGeS aGo sInCe wE toOk tAt pAtH..yVoNnE eVeN fOrgOt tHe bUs dIrEctIoN..sHe's wOrSt caUx sHe livEd aRouNd tAT aReA..hAH..pEixIu wEnT tO wOrK, xInhUi wEnT tO dO pRojEcT..sO yVoNnE & mE sPeNt tImE sHoPpINg aLoNe..As i hAvE aFtEr pRogRaM, wE wEnT vIvOcItY sHopPiNg fOr CNY cLotHeS..

yVoNnE wAs sAyiNg iT wAs yEaRs aGo sInCe bOtH oF uS wEnT sHopPiNg tOgEtHeR.. EveRyoNe miSs tHoSe dAyS..hAh..iT wAs hEavEnLy eNjOyiNg dAyS..yVoNnE gOt hErSelF sOmE cLotHeS & wE hEad bAcK aBoUt 6.30pm..wE wErE cHaTTiNg tIs n Tat..wOndErfuL~~

yVoNnE wEnT hOmE tO reSt fOr hEr nItEx pRogRaM.. wE eNdEd oUr dAy sWeEtLy!!

[[__pArT 2__]]
pArT 2 pRogRaM wAs tO mEeT tHe CS pEoPLe..mEt JuNxIaNg tOgEtHer tO gO zHiwEi pLaCe..tHx u zHiwEi PaPa..!! fOr gIviNg a rIdE tO uS tO dOwNtOwN eAsT..wE wErE tHe 1sT fEw tO rEaCh..wEnT tO pIcK a pLaCe fOr diNnEr..wAlk aRd tHe wHoLe aRea & fiNaLLy deCidEd oN New YorK New YoRk..ZhiWei, JuNxIaNg, MeLvIn, hUi xIaN, aLvIn, Lex & mE.. aFtEr dInNer, wEnT fOr 2 gAmEs oF bOwLiNg..aLvIn lEfT eArLy...iT wAs nEaR 1am wHeN wE lEft..zHiwEI gIvE aLL oF uS a dRiVe tO mAriNa bArRagE tO cAtCh tHe wInD & sCeNerY..

*bOmMbB* oOpS..dRiVe tHrU aN uNdEr coNsTucTioN tUrN & wE gOt a tYre pUnCtUrEd..& tO mAKe iT wOrSt, wE hAvE nO tOoLs & nO sPaRe tYre..Oh gOsH..aFtEr sOmE iNsPeCtiOn & sEaRcH, wE foUnD 1 sPaRe tYrE bUt wE sTiLL hAvE nO tOoLs..mEt a kiNd-hEaRtEd dRivEr..tHey wErE drIviNg a Suzuki Swift, my rEaLiStIc cAr, sTopPed & gAvE Us sOmE hElp..tHey lEnD uS tOoLs & wE tOoK sOmE tImE to fIx it, sWiFt dRivE oFF tO gEt tHeIr dRiNks..iN e midSt oF fIxiNg, aNotHeR cAR sTopPed tO cHeCk iF wE wErE fInE..wEll, wE'rE gLaD wE mEt gOoD sOuLs, & sTiLL mAny gOoD sOuLs ouT tHeRe iN SiNgaPoRe yEa..!! fiNaLLy havInG fIxEd e vEhIcLe, e sWift cAr weRe baCk & rEtUrN tHeM tHeIr tOoLs..hMm.. sWiFt & uS wErE hEaDiNg tO mARinA bArRAgE tOgeTheR..THX fOr tHeIr gReAt hElp..!!!! =D

aFtEr taT, wE wALkEd & lOitErEd aRd e rOoF gArdEn fOr tHe cOld bReEzE & cHaT..!! cOming tO nEaR 3am, wE hEAd hOmE..!!

hOmE swEeT hOmE.......!! pRepArEd tO gEt uP wOrK tHe nExT day, sAtUrDay..aWw~~

iT wAs a gReAt frIday..iT waS sO gOod tO bE bAcK iN nOrTh vIsTA aGain @ mEeTuP wItH fRieNds..!! **hOoRay**

cHeErS!!! =D

Sunday, January 25, 2009

y cAnT u jUx uNdErsTaNd??
y dOn u tAlk, gIvE rEsPoNd??
y cAnT wE jUx tAlk tHiNgS oUt?
wAt's sO diFFicUlT tO lEt mE nOe wAd u tHiNk?
i hAtE gUeSsINg uR tOtx!!

uR rEaCtIoN & faCe dOn mAtCh wAt u sAe....
eVeRytImE tHiNgS gEtS uGly..
i jUx nId sOmE tAlk..
iS tt sO diFFicUlt tO aSk fOr?!
u dOn liKe cOmParIsOn, bUt tOtX iS rUnNInG iN mY miNd..
"eVerYoNe cAn dO tAt, y cAnT u..?"
fEeLiNg sO vExEd!!
iT wAs mEaNt tO b pEriOd oF a hApPy oCcAsIoN..
mY hEaRt iS *********

lOsS fOr wOrDs...............................
If i sTiLL dOn fInD wAyS tO bUrSt iT oUt!!
i'll nId a pUnChiNg bAg..
uNdErsTaNd nOw y oNe iS pUsH tO e mAximUm,
tHey'll hAv loTsA tOtx......rUnnIng iNsIdE........

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

OCBC CycLe 2009

An eVeNt fOr cYcLe-loVer tO pArtIcIpAtE..& rEcRuiT vOlunTeErS!!!
InTeReSteD pLs cLiCk oN e lInK...

OCBC Cycle Singapore 2009 will be Singapore’s first mass participation cycling event on public roads catering for every cyclist from beginner to professional. The event seeks to inspire all generations of men and women to experience cycling as a form of recreation and fitness. With four distance options, OCBC Cycle Singapore will accommodate all level of riders and give the public a unique opportunity to cycle on fully closed roads all around Singapore.

EveNt will need volunteers to help us in various important capacities. If you are interested in participating, please register by Friday, 30th January 2009.

Volunteer Briefing (venue to be confirmed) will be hold on Saturday, 7th February 2009. There is only one briefing, so it is important and your attendance is much appreciated. More information will be sent with your confirmation letter.

All volunteers will receive an OCBC Cycle Singapore Official’s T-shirt, refreshments and a token allowance.

Monday, January 12, 2009

ThE uNpRedIcTaBle

oN thE 8Th jAn, rEceIvEd a cAll aFtEr wOrK tAt gRaNdmA wAs mOviNg oVer mY pLaCe tO sTaY..oUt oF cUrIosIty i pRoMpTeD fUrThEr, n rEaLiSe tAt gRaNdmA sEeMs tO tUrN fOr e wOrSt..

"ShOcKeD; LoSs oF wOrDs" fEw wOrDs tAt cAmE tO mY miNd..LaSt vIsIteD hEr fEw wEeKs aGo, sHe wAs sTiLL aBle to sMiLeZ & tAlk..sO wOrRiEd, cAuX CNY iS cUmiNg & i HopE sHe cAn hApPiLy pAsS tHrU e CNY sEaSoN.. *PrAy hArD hARd*
sO, fAmiLy wAs cLeAriNg e rOoM fOr hEr sTaY lAtEr iN e nItEx..

gRaNdmA cAmE ovEr bOuT 9pm+, smiLiNg aWaY n aBle to mUtTeReD fEw wOrDs from wAd i sEe, uNliKe wAd dAddy cLaImEd..eVeRy rElatIvEs wErE liKe tALkinG aWay hw hEr sItUatIoN cHaNgEs aFtEr mOvIng oVer..aS cLaiMed, pRobAbly fuLfiLLeD 1 oF hEr wIsHeS, tO sTaY wIf uS @ hOuGaNg..aS pRevIoUsly sHe sTaYeD wIf uS fOr yEaRs & gRaNdMa toOk cArE oF mE sInCe i wAs a bAbY.. =D

eVerYdAy fRom tHeN, tHeRe'll b rElaTivEs pOpPiNg oVer my hSe nOw & dEn..nOw, gOiNg bAck hOmE aFtEr wOrK, aCcOmPaNy gRaNdmA, tAlk tO hEr...fEels sO wOrrIed fOr hEr..tHru hEr aCtiOnS, sOmEtiMes i tHiNk shE's hoLdiNg oN, soMetiMeS sHe's gIviNg uP..

sHe's nT tHoSe kiNdA 病恹恹 dE..bUt hEr sItUatiOn iS sO uNpRedIcTaBle..时好时坏..eVerYoNe iS wIsHiNg fOr hEr tO hOld oN tO CNY..jUx fEw mOrE dAyS oNly..sHe cAn haPpiLy eNjOy e sEaSon..nT mAinLy cAuX oUrSeLvEs rEaLLy wAn tO enjOy CNY hapPiLy, bUt pArTly.. *wHo dOn wAn aRh* bUt wAd wE wAn mOrE iS fOr hEr tO rEaLLy eNjOy e 热热闹闹的新年气氛, pRobAbLy e lAst; wHo nOeS..


阿妈, 加油!! 不要放弃啊!!坚持喔!!



[[__8Th jAn 2008__]]

小娘惹 《大结局》,创下十五年来的最高收视录





小娘惹又有了 《陈希与月娘》 篇




DaddY 说观众都太迷这部戏了~~

Friday, January 2, 2009

欢迎 2009 。。。回顾 2008 。。。

LoOkiNg bAck tO liFe iN 2008..i gUeSs i cOncLudEd iT wAs nOt eAsY tO lEad a wOrkIng liFe EvEryDay..sO pEePs oUt tHeRe sTuDyiNg, eNjOy uR sTudIeS liFe wOrX.. =D

LeT's loOk bAcK tO my 2008..i cRaCkeD my bRaIn tO rEcAll wAt i hAvE dOnE..aLwAyS fOrgEt sTuFF eAsiLy, sO iT's hArD tO rEcAll sOmE miNoR sTuFF tHaT hApPeNeD..



26th Feb : LaSt eXaM pApEr iN TP
wAiTiNg aNxiOuSly fOr rEsUltS; eNjOyInG hOliDayS

3rd - 7th Mar : AmAzInG rAcE 5
LaSt sErvIcE rEnDeReD iN E2 MaTrIx aS MaIn CoMm

12th Mar: ReSuLts aNnOuNcEd
gRaDuAtEd fRoM DiP iN ELN

2nD ApR : E2 MaIn-CoMm aPpReCiaTiOn lUnCh
ApPrEcIaTed fOr SerViCe rEnDeReD iN E2 fOr AY 07/08,

ReCeiVeD aN eXcLusIvE E2 MaIn-CoMm jAcKeT

9Th Apr: 1 yEaR aNnIvErSaRy wItH bOy bOy
hE's sTuCk iN tAiwAn wItH aRmY TrAinInG

22Nd - 25tH ApR : jOb aS a sUrvEyOr iN FHA 2008
bRoAdEn e eXpEriEnCe iN tHe eVeNt

21sT mAy : GRADUATION DAY 2008
oFFicIaLLy gRaDuaTeD fRoM TP

22Nd mAy : cArEEr iN SiNgaPoRe PrEsS hOldInGs
As a cUsToMeR sErvIcE oFFicEr

13Th juNe : CCA MeRiT aWaRdS

22Nd JuLy : oFFiCiAlly tUrNeD 20Th
i loVe mY fReNx..tHx fOr e cElebRatIoN!!

25tH jULy : pAsSeD mOi bAsIc tHeOrY
1St sTeP tO oBtAiN a cAr liCenSe

27Th jUly : 1St 10KM mArAtHoN
cOmpLetEd @ 1Hr 31Min; nOt cUt oUt fOr loNg dIst

22Nd aUg : oUtiNg wItH cHeNg & gAnG
1St oUtiNg aFtEr gRad fRm sEc liFe

8th & 14tH sEpT : cElebRaTioN wItH cHeNg & gAnG
1sT "pRaWn-Ing" eXpEriEnCe..
wOndErfUl...i wIsH fOr mOrE oUtiNgs wItH tHeM

20Th sEpT : pAsSeD fiNaL tHeOrY
aNoTheR sTeP nEaReR tO mY gOaL

5Th dEc : bOy bOy tUrNs 22
cElebRaTiOn @ AjIsEn

27tH dEc : cHrIsTmAs pArTy 08
pArTy @ sIaNg yOnG hSe

-ThE eNd-

rEaLisE i'vE bEeN bUryInG mySeLf iN mY jOb fOr e paSt fEw mOnThs..gOt tO nOe a BuNcH oF cRaZy cOlleGuEs iN SPH..thOsE r fEw tAt kiP mE gOiNg oN, aPaRt fRm tHoSe nAgGiNg & sPiEs eYeS.. i hAtE tAt pAiR oF sPIeS sYeS..!!

wAs aBle tO rEcaLL e stUff doNe bEfoRe oCt..bUt aFtEr tAt, liFe bEcOmE sO dEad tO fiLL wItH wOrk & oUtiNgS..n oUtiNgS wEre juX tOo cOmMoN; nTh sPeCiaL..

nEw yEaR rEsOluTioNs..hMm..i dOn tHiNk sO muCh FOr e fUtUrE bUt pLaNs rEvoLviNg aRd mE nOw aRe : gEt a gOoD jOb & wOrK rEaLLy hArD fOr a dEgReE & cLaSs 3 liCenSe..

ShArOn....yEaR 2009..
jIa yOu jIa yOu jIa yOu!!!!!!!!


Thursday, January 1, 2009




祝福, 你今年许下的心愿






