Tuesday, March 31, 2009


FrEedOm dAyS aRe fOreVa gReAt...eNjOyEd lOtSa tHeSe 3 dAyS....Fri nO wRk wEnT cHaLet...bReAk fReE fRoM a rOutInE liFe yEa...

eNjOyEd liFe sO mUch tAt i cAn fOrgOt eVerytHiNg oUtsIdE e wOrLd..i LoVe mY dAda, bUt i DefinItEly loVe mY fReNx tOo...wOnT loSe oUt wOrx...eAt dRiNk pLay jOkEs..bEeN spEndiNg e pAst fEw dAyS wItH mY fReNx tAt is aBsOluTely woNdeRfUl cLiqUe...cERtaiNly rElax aLoT nT to tAke iNto e eXpEnditUrE iNtO cOnsIdeRaTiOn...

pRoMiSeD mYsElf, i mux wRk hArd tO gIvE mYseLf hOlidAyS eVery yEar...

sUpEr loOkiNg fOrwArd tO nExT wEEk...i wOnT b wRkiNg e nExT wHoLe wEeK...hOliDayS yEa...!! gOoD fRidAy nExT wEeK yEa...

lEt uR hAiR dOwN n eNjOy uR liFe tO e mAx....!! =D

liFe aFtEr 21st tEnDs tO pAsS supEr fAst...jUx liKe bLiNkiNg uR eYeS...

tAkE cArE gUyS!!! ChEeRs..!!

wAt's liFe wIthOuT fReNx..?! cHeRisH uR fReNx n sPeNd mOrE tiMe wItH tHem...
lOoK bAcK tO uR oLd cLiqUe & sAe hI tO tHeM...!! =D

sIngLehOoD cAn b gReAt...eSpeCiaLLy wIth a cLiqUe oF sIngLehOoD fReNx...

nO dIscRimInAtiON...cOupLeS r aCcEpTed iN a siNgLehOoD cLiqUe..haHa...

sOmEtiMes i dO EnVy sIngLehOoD liFe...i woNdEr iF soMeOnE wiLL rEquEsT tO b sIngLehOoD fOr a mOmENt tO hEr gUy...hAha...doN woRRy..tHeRe's nTh wRoNg iN e R/S..jUx tRyiNg tO bReAk fReE fRoM bEiNg aTtAcHed....

sUddEnLy, i liKe liFe aS a sInGlehOod...aNytHiNg wRoNg wItH taT?!!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tears are 1 way to express an emotion..

it's difficult to stop the tears from flowing back..

i am still trying so hard...but i fail....

** exploded...!! **

nt enuff!! i really feel like exploding, crying for days...
it had been enduring so long for today, such a long day..
my heart jux couldnt take it anymore...

y couldnt i jux shed tears as n when i like...
i don like e feeling of swallowing all my tears back into my heart...

i gt scolding once again...as claimed, i deserved it!!

For SoMe/nO rEaSonS...........

For SoMe/nO rEaSonS...........

i aM fEeLiNg sO loSt...
i Am FeEliNg sO sTrEsS...
i aM fEeLiNg sUpEr lOw-sPiRit...
i am FeeLiNg sO cOld...*hAnDs & fEeTs aRe fReEzInG*
i Am feEliNg sO dO-nOt-wIsH tO gO hOmE...

NoThiNg sEeMs tO cHeEr mE oN sO fAr...
hOpEfuLLy e cHaLeT tMl wiLL lEt mE eNjOy mYsElf tO e mAxImuM...

i wAn mY hOliDaYs...i wAn tO tAkE a bReAk....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

HaPpY bIrThDaE tO mEl C


祝你 年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!!



但愿你在 yEoW sHeNg 为你准备的生日派对上,玩得非常愉快。

很抱歉,我和 LeX 不能去。有事情耽误了。


生日快乐!!HaPpY 21St bIrThDaE..!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

wHaT a wEeK...

wAt a wEeK.....
i mIspLaCed my pHoNe ySt....
nEvEr bRinG my wAllEt tOdAy...

wEll, aS fOr my pHonE..i miSpLaCed iT wHeN vIsIt tO tOiLeT.. =(
HaHa...sO cAreLeSs...iT wAs miSsInG nEar tO aN hOuR..iT wAs tiLL
i wEnT fOr luNcH, i rEaLiSeD iT wAs miSsInG.. aWw...

lUcKy a kiNd-hEaRtED sOuL pIcKeD iT uP &
ReTuRn my fOnE..oH gReAt...!! =)

i gOt bAcK my fOnE... pHeW~~~


fOrgOttEn tO bRiNg my wAllEt oUt oF e hSe..
wAs waItiNg sO loNg fOr my bUs, dEn uPoN bUs aRrIval dEn i rEaLiSed..
hOw sLow lor..hAha..

dEn i sO pAisEh, aPprOaChEd e bUs dRivEr cAn lEt mE tHrU tIs tiMe....
i fOrgOt tO bRiNg wAllEt...
luCky e dRivEr wAs sO kiNd...hE aLLoWeD mE tO tAkE a rIde.. pheW~~

i nId tO tRaNsFer bUs bUt cAnT poSsiBly aSk aGaIn tO aNoThEr dRivEr...
sO, i sHaLL waLk tO oFFicE fRm bUs sToP..
sO tIrEd~~

aFtEr tAt, luNcH hAd gOt tO boRRoW $$ fRm my fReNx....
n fOr tRaNsPoRt, bOrrOw eZ-liNk cArD frM my cOllegUeS...hEEx...
e wHoLe nItEx wAs tReAt bY dAda...hAha...

A gOoD rEaSoN tO bE tReAteD..bUt fEeLs sO uNuSuAl w/o my wAllEt..
aLmOsT lEfT wItH nTh iF i loSt my fOnE & nv bRougHt my wAlleT oUt...haHa...

wAtCh OuT gUyS!! dOn b aS cArElEsS aS mE yEah...!! =D

TaKe cArE... =)

cAtCh uP sOoN yEa...!!

loOkiNg fOrwArD tO 6ApR... =)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

wHaT iS haPpInEsS...?!!?

i jUx wIsH fOr sOmEoNe tO pUrsUe e
sAmE hApPiNeSs aS mE......

nEvEr eXpEct iT wAs sUcH a
tOuGh pAtH tO tAkE...

I hAd tO dRoP coUnTleSs tEaRs,
n iT's sTiLL aT e sAmE gRaSsLaNd....

bE iT sOuR..!!

aS sWeEt aS e sMiLe....


tAstEd aLL..bUt iT jUx wEnT wRoNg...

Im sO cOnFusEd.....