FouNd yEt aNotHeR mEanInGfuL rAce tO pArtiCipAtE..rEaD oN dEtAiLs jiU nOe yyy....
NiKe+ HuMan RaCe SiNgApOrE
Race Details
Date: 31st August 2008
Race Time: 4.30pm
Start Point: The Esplanade Bridge
End Point: The Padang
Categories & Fees
Men's & Women's Under 25* : S$25
Men's & Women's Open Category : S$45
*As of 1st September 2008
**7% GST applies
All fees are paid through Visa, MasterCard or at our SISTIC authorized agents (Cash/Nets)
On top of these individual race categories, participants can also choose to select to represent their school in the School Team Challenge.
The school in each category (School Team Challenge Cat. A or Cat. B) that has the most number of registered runners completing the Nike+ Human Race 10K under 90 minutes will win the School Team Challenge.
Race Pack Entitlements
Each participant in the Nike+ Human Race 10K will receive:
A Nike+ Human Tee with a unique number printed on
A loaned ChampionChip device
Other goodies
Men's & Women's Open:
1st - $500 cash + $500 Nike voucher + trophy
2nd - $300 cash + $300 Nike voucher + trophy
3rd - $200 cash + $200 Nike voucher + trophy
Men's & Women's Under 25:
1st - $500 Nike voucher
2nd - $300 Nike voucher
3rd - $200 Nike voucher
School Team Challenge Cat A & Cat B: Each school wins $10,000 cash + $3000 Nike voucher + Team trophy + featured in post-event Nike in-store campaign
Each Nike+ Human Race 10K Finisher will receive a Finisher's Bracelet.
fOr mOrE iNfOrMatIoN, Plz vIsIt tIs wEbBiE:
没介绍错吧!!! SeeMs iNtEreStiNg rItE..wEll, i mAy gO fOr iT...sO cYa gUyS tHeRe...okok....!!!!!!!!
tAkE cArE...!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
NiKe+ HuMan RaCe SinGaPoRe
Communication 沟通
The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.
Mmm...tHis pHrAsE sEems sO nEaR tO LIFE...liStEn lisTen liStEn..pArt & pArcEl oF liFe...ComMunIcAtIon pLayS a bIg pArT iN rElatIoNsHip..aLL tYpEs oF rElatIonShiPs..Lack oF cOmMuniCatIon lEaDs tO sO mUcH tHiNgS..mIsuNdErsTaNdiNg, qUaRrEls, or eVen tIrEdnEsS..e fEeLiNg oF 无奈..sOmEtiMes e loNg wAit sEeMs wOrTh iT, bUt e sHoRT tiMe kiLLs iT..kiLLs e fEeLiNg oF wAiTiNg..hAiX...ehh, diLemMa~~
e mOsT cOmMon eNcouNteR iS siLenCe n sILenCe...mAy sEeMs liStEniNg hArd bUt yEt sEeMs jUx nOt aPpEaLiNg..e poWer of siLenCe hAv iT's oWn 杀伤力...haha...
aLrIte.. simpLy tOo tIrEd...sLpiNg liKe 2aM dEn wAke uP 6.30Am..haHa..abIt oF 自作孽 hOr..hAha..sHaNt cOmMenT mUcH..lEt e quOtEs dO e tAlkiNg..i gOnNa faLL aSlp nOw le...
sImUlatInG mY mInD tO wAkE uP nOw...sToP sLpIng...wAke up.....!!!!!!!!!
lOoKoUt fOr mY pOsTs wOrX...!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
唯一色彩 - 郭富城
oh lonely eyes
oh baby
wEll, poSteD lOtS oF sOnG rEcEnTly..siMpLy fReE tO cHeCk oUt oN sOnGs..nOt rEaLLy oN new sOnGs..c c loOk lOok..haHa...sInCe iT's nAmE aFtEr '唯一色彩'.. sHaLL uSe a cOlor fOr tiS pOsT..a pReTty eMo sOnG sO pIcK a gReY..haha..**nT iNtErestEd to nOe y oSo hOr??**
ehh..tIs sOng bRinGs bAcK aLot oF mEMorIeS tO mE..pRecioUs mEmoRieS i sHud sAe.. sTiLL rEvoLviNg iN mY minD cLeArLy..1st gEt tO nOe/lisTen tIs sOnG iN KbOx..rMb a gRp oF pEePs wEnT k soMeTimEs aFtEr sCh wHen i wAs jUx a yR 1...wAs sAnG by SY..**dId hE hAv a gOoD 嗓子 or 表达能力强??** sOmEhOw hE sAnG tIs sOnG wIf sO mUcH fEeLiNg, gOt aFfEcTeD dEn on, aTtRaCtEd tO tIs sOnG le..
hApPeNs tO tOt of tIs soNg wHiLe @ wRk..pLaYiNg rEpEaTedLy iN mY eArs sEeMs liKe mEmoRies fLaShiNg iN mY miNd..juSt liKe tAp-wAtEr, noN-sToP...fRom e dAy sTePpInG iNtO e2, gRaDuaLLy tiLL nOw...rEgArdLeSs iT's hApPy oR sAd.... sOmEtiMes fEeL liKe liFe iN e2 juX liKe siTtiNg oN a rOlleR cOaStEr, fuLL oF uPs & gLaD mY 'uPs' iS moRe dEn 'dOwNs'..undErsTaNd tIs loGic aPpLiEs iN LIFE..
WaNnA tHx pEePs tAt sTaNdS by mE..nO mAtTeR iS givIng aDvIce oR lEnDinG mE uR eArS...wiThout uR sUpPoRt, i beLieVe iT's toUgh tO mOvE oN aHeAD fOr mE...
THANK YOU...!!!!!!!
TaKe cArE gUys...!!!! sCh sTaRtiNg lo..
在繁榮我們的朋友認識我們; 在患難我們知道我們的朋友。
不要走在我前面, 我不能隨後而來; 不要走在我之後, 我不能帶領; 走在我旁邊, 做我的朋友。
林俊杰 - 忘记
memory 浩荡如空气
Sun MoOn LaKe 日月谭
Surrounded by green mountains, Sun Moon Lake is the pearl of Central Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake".
Mt. Maolan Trail
wOw..tHiS pLaCe loOks sO wOndErful..cAn wE iNcLuDE iT iNtO e tRiP tO tAiwAn??? hOpEfuLLy hAv a cHaNce tO loOk aT thOse sCenErY...mMm~~
fOr mOrE iNfOrmAtIoN, fEeL fReE tO pOp-bY tHiS wEbbIe..tHerE's aLoT oF pLaCeS iN e wEbBIe tT's nIcE...
Monday, June 16, 2008
HaPpY bIrThDaE tO ALEX...!!!!
18th Jun Is aLeX's BiRtHdAe.. hEreBy wIsHiNg yOu HaPpY bIrtHdAe..!!! hAd a nIcE dAy @ tHe pArTy.. wOndErfUl "caMp" yEa... sOo fUn BBQ leh..haha...wiLL uPdate e pHotOs aSaP yEa..
aT woRk nOw, Can sAe bUsY dEn uSuAl bUt nOt tt bUsY..haHa..sTiLL gOt tiMe tO bLoG..n 1 hApPy tHiNg.. mY IC is oN lEaVe tOdAe..nO nId tO 提心吊胆 sHe cUmiNg tO chEcK oN uS..haHa..
rEaDiNg CoMiCs nOw iNtRO bY wAnRu... 就算你看不见
[[__13th JuNe__]] CCA MeRiT aWaRd cErEmOnY
wEll, toOk hAlf dAy oFF tO gO bAcK sCh fOr tIs cErEmOnY. E2 pAthEtIc sEhx..3 oUt oF 8 oNly..tIs tImE aRouNd it's liKe 100 mOrE rEcEipiEnTs, sO aT fIrSt bEiNg aLLoCaTeD @ sMaLL aUdI, fOrgOt 1 oR 2..oNly likE cAn wAtCh fRoM e sCrEeN loR..dEn dUe tO tHe aBsEnTeEs, tHeRe's sTiLL sPaCe iN e bIg aUdI, eIthEr 1 oR 2 lo..sO aLL oF uS rEcEiViNg lEaDeRsHip mErIt dE cAn gO bIg aUdI n c e 'livE' cErEmoNy..tIs yEaR aRrAngEmEnT iS aRtS fOlloW bY sPoRtS dEn aLpHabEtiCal oRdEr dE..sO hAi hAo lor..wHoLe tHinG tOok bOuT 2 hRs i tHinK...
BeSt iNtEreSt gRouPs: ExpEriMenTiaL LeArNiNg FaCiLitAtOrS (ELF)
BeSt aRtS gROuP: ChiNeSe oRcHeStRa
BeSt SpoRtS gRouPs: BowLiNg & VoLLeYbaLL
BeSt cOnStitUeNt cLuB: ComMunIty sErVicE cLuB (CSC)
jINgyAo! uR cLuB lEh..cOnGraTs..sOmemOre sAw eDmuNd pIcS iN e sLidEs..lAst yEaR sAe tIs yR wAnNa aPpLy..dEn lAzY dO pReSentAtioN sLidEs..tIs yEaR, oUr E2 jUnIoRs sAe NeXt yEaR wanNa dO e sLidEs..sO jIa yOu kK..i bEliEvE wE cAn aChiEvE iT..!!!! GanBaTtE..!!!
dEn sAw mY loNg tiMe nO c fReNx @ e cErEmoNy..rEaLLy sO loNg nO c..EvErYtHiNg rEaLLy cHaNgEs aS tImE pAsSeD..hAix..wEll, aFtEraLL iS cLoSe fReNx iN SEc sCh, sO tHinKiN tt rELatIoNsHiP bEcUm kiNdA bRiTtLe nOw, dEn fEeLiNg bIt dOwn..sOmEhOw mOod gOt aFfEcTeD loR..sIaNx..tHiNk wiLL aFfEcTs fOr sOmE tImE..hAha.. miSs mY sEc fReNx nOw tHiNkiNg bAck..iF oNly, nOt sO bUsY wIf eVeNts, mOrE tImE fOr fReNx..tiMe liKe nOt eNuFF wIf aCaDemiC, wOrK, eVENts, oUtiNg wIf dIfFeReNt bAtChEs oF pPl..hAha...i nOe iT's mY oWn tImE mAnaGeMeNt bAhx..
TiLL nOw, sTill coNcErN & aFfEcTeD..**aRgh** cAnT sToP mYsElf tHinKiNg tt mUcH..cANt fOrgEt n pUt dOwN yEt...
tYpiNg & tYpiNg..tImE pAsSed oSo..i'm sUpPoSe tO bE oFF wOrK iN 15min..haHa..nOw dOiNg cLoSiNg..yiPpEe..!!!
mEeTiNg fReNx tO wAtcH "KuNgfU pAndA" @ cAthY aFtER wOrK..hOoRaY..fInAlly tImE fOr fReNx..i mIsS e oThEr gRoUp fReNx eSpEcIaLLy..
TiLL i bLoG agaIn lo......
TaKe CaRe pEePs.......
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
DowN tHe rOaD, thRouGh e yEaRs....
词:陈信荣 曲:周传雄
我难过 的是放弃 你放弃爱
放弃的梦 被打碎 忍住悲哀
我难过 的是忘了你 忘了爱
WaKe uP iN e mOrnInG 7am jIu hEaRd tIs sOnG bEiNg pLaYed iN e rAdIo..wAt a nIcE sOnG.. hAha..tIs sOnG rEmINds mE oF mY tiMeS iN sEcoNdaRy sCh..tHoSe cArEfReE pLayFul tiMeS.. tIs dRaMa liGhT uP mY hObBy tOwArDs BaSkEtbAll..aLsO, tIs Is e shOw tt eVeNtUaLLy e rEasOn y i liKe bOybANd 5566..tO mE, iT rEaLLy a nIce & tOuChiNg sHow..
sOmE pEopLe mAy fInd iT bOriNg.. wAt eNjOyMenT cAn wE gEt bY jUx cHaSiNg aFtEr a bAll, sHoOtiNg iNtO e nEt & e sAmE thiNg rEpEaTs aGaIn...Well, i dIn tHiNk tT mUcH..tO mE, i jUx liKe tAkiNg e bAll, tRyiNg dIffEreNt aNgLe jUx tO gEt e bAll iNtO e nEt..aLsO, eSpeCiaLLy duriNg mAtcHes, e aTmoSpHeRe n tEnSe fEeLiNg tt u gEt wHeN u r tO sHoOt e bAll iN uNdEr pReSsUrE & oBsTAcLes..iT's rEaLLy fUn.. sPeAkiNg oF bAsKetbAll, dUnNo fOr hOw mANy dOnkEy yRs i dIn tOuCh lo...haHa...i mIsS mY baSkETbALL mAtEs..nOw liKe aLL 个忙个的 eVer sInCe iNtO poLy, dEn jIu nO pLay lo...aRgH~~~
AlSo, tIs sOng aLsO bRiNgs mE tO nEw expERiEncE..cAux tHrOugH tIs sOnG, i wEnT tO aUtOgRapH sEsSiOn, bLah bLah bLaH...wAteVa 5566 de, wIthIn mY liMit, i'll gO...sO i oSo dIn cOuNt wEnT fOr hOw mAnY tImEs lo..rMb 1st sEsSioN @ hEeReN dEn oSo maKe aLot oF 5566 fAns aS fReNz oVer aT sEsSIoNs..
mMm...dEn i hAv sOmEoNe tO tHx tOo, tT's YOU..u nOe wHo u r wHen u rEad tIs poST lo.. i sHaLL nOt pOsT oUt uR nAmE...wHeNeVa gT aUtOgRapH sEsSiOn, wE'll aLwAys jIo eAch oThEr gO..eVeN tHouGh iT's nOt 5566..We aLwAyS suPpOrT eAch oThEr aLthOu wE diN aLwaYs mEeT uP..hEeX...but bOtH oF uS nOe, wE'll aLwAys hElp eAcH otHeR oUt nO mAttEr hOw oFtEN wE mEt..wE aLwAyS sTaY bY eAcH oThEr..hEeX...
wEll, i gOiNg bAck hOmE lo..haHA...jUx nIcE, fInIsH lE cAn gO hOmE le..haHA...tOdaE, nOt a bUsY dAe..bUt sOmehOw, mY shOuLdeRs hAvE bEEn hUrT fOr dAyS le..sIaNx...sO sOuR~~
aNotHeR SonGs....
曲:廖大森 詞:余傳賢 編:
看天的风景 多么美丽
谁愿意 陪着我
谁愿意 陪着我
你是 世界上最美的风景
都是我的 memory
你是 世界上最美的风景
四处留下我的足迹 想着你
我愿意 带着你 环游世界去
我愿意 带着你 环游世界去
你是 世界上最美的风景
都是我的 memory
你是 世界上最美的风景
四处留下我的足迹 想着你
你是 世界上最美的风景
你让我 拥有你
gOoD lUcK fOr e rEsUltS tO tHoSe tAkiNg tErm tEsT.....
TaKe cArE gUyS..... ^_^
CheRiSh...... 珍惜
CheRisH tOdAy;
YestErdAy iS bUt a dReAm;
TomOrRoW, a vIsIon oF hOpE;
lOoK tO tIs dAe fOr iT's....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
WaLkiNg dOwn tHe rOaD........
喂!现在只是乌云密布,刮大风,下着大雨。 但别气馁,相信,雨过的彩虹会推动你,走向生命的下一段!!你在想为什没呢?!?!
因为,这么难得一见的景色都让你见到了,还有什么难得到你??!! 别轻易放弃,否则对不起自己。加油喔!!!!努力往前迈进吧!!!
ThIs iS wAd i cOmE oUt wIf aFtEr rEaDiNg sOmEoNe's bLoG..mMm, loOKs liKe gT sOmE gUys aRouNd mE aRe eMo nOw yEa..wEll, jUst sHoWiNg mY cOncErN tO mY fReNx aRd mE tT's fEeLiN loW rItE nOw oR aNytIme.....gAnBaTtE...!!!!
eHh, nOw @ wOrKpLaCe..i'm fEeLin sO sLpy sO cOmE tO droP a pOsT..*yAwN* dOiN oThEr jObsCoPe nOw....dId i mEntIoN wAt im dOiN hErE??bAsIcaLLy aNs cAlls lo..gIvEn oThEr liNe tO piCk uP oThEr tHaN e uSuAl lo...sO y aM i bOrEd??!! cAuX fOr e pAst hAlf hR, nO cAlls lEh..sO gOiN sLp lO..mSn oSo nOt iNsIdE, eBuddy tOo lAg lE..gOsH..gO eXplOrE sOmE gaMes wEbBiEs tO pLay wItH..hAha.. ^_^
gOnNa sTaRe bLaNk at e cOm sCrEen oNcE aGaIn...
cOuNtdOwN tO aFtEr wOrk: 4 hRs...
cOncLuSioN, sO fAr jOb iS iNtErEsTiNg yEa...!!! tHeRe's sTiLL mAnY fOr mE tO lEarN~~
wOrk hARd gUyS...
TaKe CaRe... ^_^
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
StaNdaRd ChARteReD sInGaPoRe MaraThOn 2008
This is another event. i'm sure it's popular among some runners here.. might even get this information earlier than mi..haha...
DaTe: 7th Dec 2008
Registration Registration for this year's marathon will commence on Monday, 16th July 2007.
You can sign up via; On-line Registration In-person Registration
* Online Registration
You can register online at
*Online credit card payment (ONLY VISA or MasterCard) is accepted.For more information on online registration, please visit the Online Registration Guide.
In-person Registration (Strictly limited to Individual or Team (max. 6 runners) registrations only)
Sign up in-person (ONLY cash) at;
Singapore Athletics Association (Head Office)
15 Stadium Road, Room1,National Stadium, South Entrance
Singapore 397718
Operating Hours: 10:00 to 17:30
Monday to Friday
Singapore Athletics Association's Centre of ExcellenceBukit Gombak Stadium
800 Bukit Batok West Ave 5
Singapore 659081
Operating Hours: 10:00 to 17:30
Lunch Hour: 13:00 to 14:00
Monday to Friday
*There will be NO registration at Standard Chartered branches this year.Payment must be made upon registration. Terms and conditions apply.
For registration categories and fees, please logon to this website for more information
**They opening registration for helpers as well.. Do keep a lookout...!!!!
Looking forward for more events~~
Take cArE gUyS....
CheRiSh tOdAy;
YeStErDaY iS bUt a dReAm
TomOrRoW, a vIsIoN oF hOpE
LoOk tO tHiS dAy aS iT iS LIFE
Citi-Milkrun 2008
Recently got into running mood, so manage to get these events information.. Interested parties may log on the website n take a look....
When: Sunday July 6, 2008
Venue: River Valley Green
Start and End Point : River Valley Green
Organisers: Beyond Social Services & MILK
Event in a Dash
The Citi-MilkRun 2008 shows promise to be even better than last year's.
It will feature:
- A Lively and Rocking Youth Concert- Fun-filled Bazaar stalls- An adrenaline-pumping parade- Attractive prizes from adidas- And much more!
All these on top of run races that are for anybody and everybody!
- 9.4 km Competitive Circuit for the fitness buffs- 6 km run for those aged below 17 years- A 4.5 km Community Run with friends and family
A scenic route awaits all participants as it will take them through the picturesque sights along the Singapore River, Boat Quay, The Esplanade as well as other famous local landmarks.
Online registrations are now open! Do keep a lookout on this website for more details and updates to come.
On Sunday July 1, 2007 12,869 youths and adults - from schools and corporates, youth organizations and other community partners - took to the streets as a part of a large party, to celebrate National Youth Day. Each year, the MilkRun draws a strong crowd of over 10,000 people in a festive spirit of friendship amidst a lively carnival atmosphere.
Whether you are a serious competitive runner, a fitness buff, a fun runner or a supporter, there is something for you.
The celebration included 8.4km and 5.3km races with special categories for VWOs, a Community Run, a youth parade, concert and bazaar. Over 5, 300 children and youth from schools and tertiary institutions turned up for the run, performed in the concert and youth parade, ran bazaar stalls or simply to add flavour and colour to the day’s festivities.
Last year we raised a total of $1,424,851.46 which includes $61,362.20 in cash sponsorship for event organizing costs. Other event costs such as venue, water, isotonic drinks, goodie bag items, logistics and refreshments were sponsored in kind and valued at $135,522.21. Hence, the total cost of the event is $193,884.41 which is 13.6% of the total funds collected. However, as event costs were fully underwritten by sponsors either in cash or in kind, every dollar of your contribution will go towards our programmes for disadvantaged children and youths. A copy of the audited statement of accounts can be found under Financial Information, 2007 accounts for your perusal.
Previously known as the Streetwise Run, the race has been held every National Youth Day since 2001.
The Citi-MilkRun is an event for youths by youths:
Since 2001, youths from diverse backgrounds volunteer their time and energy in putting together an event where marginalized and mainstream youths come together in a spirit of friendship, co-operation and unity.By getting vibrant and diverse youths to be part of our annual youth day event, we show them that our society values them and applauds their efforts in keeping their own lives on track.
Monday, June 2, 2008
MizuNo Wave Race 2008
Race Date: Sunday 27nd July 2008
Venue (Start/End Point): Temasek Poly (TP) Sports Stadium
Distance: 10km
Reporting Time: 0630hrsRace
Start Time: 0730 hrs
Categories and Pricing(Prices are up from $20 last year)
Mens open
Womens open
Mens veteran
Womens veteran
**(All Categories rates $30 before 6 June 2008, $35 thereafter
There will be no on-Competitive Fun run this year
Part of proceeds will be donated to selected charities
Runner Entitlements(For all categories)
Runners Bib
iTags for Electronic Timing (we have timings this year!)
Mizuno Shoe Bag (Worth $35.90)
Mizuno Event Running Jerey (Sizes S to XL, worth $32.90)
Lucky draw coupon
30% discount on all regular Mizuno items (from the listed stores above) from point of registration
Race Route
Similar to last year’s race, distance about 10km, mostly flat terrain, trail and road. But expect very muddy routes on the Trail loop if it rained beforehand, so prepared to get dirty and wear shoes and running attire you don’t mind getting muddy in.
Route Explanation: TP Stadium - Out TP East Road Gate (To main road) - Bedok Reservoir Loop - North along TP Main Road - TP Stadium (Yellow Line)
Registration Details
Registration closing date: Sunday 6th july 2008
Register personally at the following Mizuno & World of Sports outlets (VGO Corp):
Mizuno Paragon
Mizuno Marina Square
Mizuno AMK Hub
Mizuno Vivocity
WOS Plaza Singapura
WOS Jurong Point
WOS Toa Payoh
WOS Heartland Mall
WOS Takashimaya
WOS Velocity @ Novena Square
WOS Parkway Parade
Feder Sports
N-zone @ Queensway Shopping Center
Running Lab at Funan IT Mall
Running Lab at Velocity
Race day conduct
Reporting time: 0630
(Recommended time for ample warm up time, there is no need for pre-race registrations)
Race start: 0730
There is baggage deposit at the stadium itself, be sure to come really as the stadium will be very packed and will be hard to find your way around.
Getting there
If you are driving, TP carparks uses ERP charging system, there is no word whether parking fees are waived for the event day.
By Public transport:Alight @ Tampines MRT Station, and transfer to Bus 8, 23, or 69 at the Tampines Bus Interchange.Alight @ Bedok MRT Station, and transfer to Bus 69 at the Bedok Bus Interchange.
Direct Buses serving TP (five services):
Service 8 from Tampines Interchange / Toa Payoh Interchange
Service 15 from Eunos Interchange / Pasir Ris Interchange
Service 23 from Tampines Interchange, looping from Rochor Canal Road
Service 69 from Tampines Interchange / Bedok Interchange
Service 518 from Pasir Ris Interchange, looping from Orchard Road
Other nice to know stuff
Guest of honour (flag off): George Yeo, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Official drink: H-Two-O
Official timer: Sunnto
For more information, you may refer to this: